A group of young people playing football on the field.

Mastery through Intentional Practice

Intentional practice is a term that refers to a deliberate and focused way of improving one’s skills and abilities. It is similar to deliberate practice, but it emphasizes the role of personal motivation and interest in the learning process. We address this topic as part of our coaching process in all Service offerings.

Intentional Practice involves the following steps:

  • Setting a specific and challenging goal that aligns with one’s passion and purpose.
  • Seeking feedback and guidance from experts, mentors, or peers who can provide constructive and honest advice.
  • Practicing regularly and consistently, with attention and concentration, on the areas that need improvement.
  • Reflecting on the outcomes and results and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of one’s performance.
  • Adjusting and modifying the practice methods and strategies based on the feedback and reflection.

Intentional practice can help anyone achieve mastery and excellence in any domain, whether it is sports, music, art, business, or education. It can also enhance one’s confidence, satisfaction, and enjoyment of the learning process. Intentional practice requires dedication, discipline, and perseverance, but it also rewards one with growth, development, and fulfillment. Angela Duckworth’s book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance discusses it’s power in more detail. It’s worth the read.

Some examples in businesses are:

  • A salesperson sets a goal to increase their sales by 10% in the next quarter. They seek feedback from their manager and peers on their sales skills and strategies. They practice their pitch, negotiation, and closing techniques with different scenarios and customers. They reflect on their performance and results and adjust their approach accordingly.
  • A manager sets a goal to improve their leadership and communication skills. They seek guidance from a mentor or a coach on how to motivate and inspire their team. They practice giving clear and constructive feedback, delegating tasks, and resolving conflicts. They reflect on their interactions and outcomes, and modify their behavior accordingly.
  • A developer sets a goal to learn a new programming language or framework. They seek advice from experts or online resources on how to use the language or framework effectively. They practice coding, debugging, and testing various projects and applications. They reflect on their progress and challenges, and update their knowledge accordingly.